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  • threetops的中文意思


    three tops 三件上衣

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 358 ℃ 690
  • fortyfive to three 是什么意思

    fortyfive to three 是什么意思

    fortyfive to three = 2时15分 past : five mimutes past seven (7时15分) half past : half past six ( 6时30分/半) a quarter = 15分钟 a quarter to = 尚有15分钟便到达下一小时 thirtytwo past seven = (6时25分) half to nine :(8时30分) a quarter past nine : (9时15分)

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 979 ℃ 745
  • three of a kind是什么意思

    three of a kind是什么意思

    three of a kind 英 [θri: ɔv ə kaind] 美 [θri ʌv e kaɪnd] [释义]三张相同的牌; [例句]“ I have three of a kind,” said one of the players to himself. “ I'll just stay with the fellow to the finish. ” “我有个三条,”其中的一个赌徒在心里说。“我就要和那个家伙斗到底。”

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 126 ℃ 818
  • three什么意思


    He is a threeyearold boy.=The boy is three years old.两者意思相同,简单地说,threeyearold 可以看做是形容词,后面必须要加上名次。注意:threeyearold 中加了“”,years后面的“s ”一定要去掉。同样的例子还有twoday off(两天休息日)

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 965 ℃ 192
  • little three什么意思

    little three什么意思

    little three 小三 1. 小三杰 例句: 1. Another girl frowns: "I guess I'll have to be little three." 另一位女孩皱=了=皱眉头,说“我想自己只好当小三。” 2. In china, an extramarital love interest who comes between a happy couple is knownpejoratively as "little three." 在...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 493 ℃ 348
  • threepiece suit是什么意思

    threepiece suit是什么意思

    threepiece suit [英][ˈθri:ˌpi:s sju:t][美][ˈθriˌpis sut] 三件套; 例句: 1. The resulting jacket, waistcoat and breeches ensemble in a single dark colour is regarded by some costume historians as the precursor of the sober threepiece suit that has dominated male ward...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 475 ℃ 369
  • Only three more months to go是什么意思

    Only three more months to go是什么意思

    只有再有三个月才可做 three more months 是再有三个月的意思 它等于another three months

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 406 ℃ 461
  • threecapsule什么意思


    three capsule 三粒胶囊 双语对照 例句: 1. Three capsule a day and you will feel better soon. 每天吃三粒胶囊,你很快就会好的。 2. Nearly three days after launch, the braking engines fired andthe apollo 8 capsule went into orbit around the moon. 发射后差不多三天时间,制动火箭启动了,阿波...

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 124 ℃ 341
  • It's twenty to three.的意思

    It's twenty to three.的意思

    20点差3分 知道了吧 再回敬你一道题 It's two to two to two to two

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 268 ℃ 844
  • in three days什么意思

    in three days什么意思

    in three days经常与一般将来时连用,如How soon will he return?答:He will return in three days.表示“他三天后回来”.

    2024-07-24 网络 更多内容 388 ℃ 994